Manuel Bibes

Manuel Bibes is a CNRS Research Director. He received his Ph.D. in 2001 from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the INSA Toulouse after a joint Franco-Spanish thesis on manganite interfaces at the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona. As a post-doc researcher he then worked for two years on magnetic tunnel junctions in Albert Fert’s group at CNRS/Thales

In 2003 he became a CNRS Scientist and joined the Institute of Fundamental Electronics (now the C2N) at the University Paris-Sud in Orsay. Four years later, he returned to the CNRS/Thales lab to develop research lines on oxides for electronics and spintronics. In 2014, he  was promoted to CNRS Research Director.

He is the recipient of the EU40 prize of the European Materials Research Society (2013), a fellow of the APS and the laureate of an ERC Consolidator Grant “MINT” (2014) to expore the physics of new electronic phases appearing at oxide interfaces. In 2017, Bibes received the Descartes-Huygens award of the French Academy of Science and the Royal Academy of the Netherlands, and in 2018 the Friedrich-Wilhelm Bessel award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. In 2019, he was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant “FRESCO” to explore spin-charge interconversion in spin-orbitronics architectures based on ferroelectric materials and in 2023 the ERC Proof-of-Concept “UPLIFT” was also granted. In 2022, Manuel Bibes received the EuroPhysics prize (together with R. Ramesh, N. Spaldin and A. Barthélémy) in recognition of his fundamental contributions to the physics and applications of multiferroic and magnetoelectric materials. Bibes is a Highly Cited Researcher.

Manuel Bibes is also the Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) and co-founder of the start-up company Nellow, to be created in October 2024 with Jean-Philippe Attané and Laurent Vila as the CEO and CTO. Nellow aims to develop and commercialize ultralow power microelectronic components for memory, logic and AI.

Researcher ID / ORCID
Google Scholar / CV


Phone : +33-1-6941-5849
Email : manuel.bibes [at]
LinkedIn : ManuelBibes