Felix Trier, Diogo C. Vaz, Pierre Bruneel, Paul Noël, Albert Fert, Laurent Vila, Jean-Philippe Attané, Agnès Barthélémy, Marc Gabay, Henri Jaffrès, Manuel Bibes
Electric-Field Control of Spin Current Generation and Detection in Ferromagnet-Free SrTiO3-Based Nanodevices
Nano Lett. 20, 395-401 (2020) [pdf]

Y. Nahas, S. Prokhorenko, J. Fischer, B. Xu, C. Carrétéro, S. Prosandeev, M. Bibes, S. Fusil, B. Dkhil, V. Garcia & L. Bellaiche
Inverse transition of labyrinthine domain patterns in ferroelectric thin films
Nature 577, 47 (2020) [pdf]

J.-Y. Chauleau, T. Chirac, S. Fusil, V. Garcia, W. Akhtar, J. Tranchida, P. Thibaudeau, I. Gross, C. Blouzon, A. Finco, M. Bibes, B. Dkhil, D. D. Khalyavin, P. Manuel, V. Jacques, N. Jaouen & M. Viret
Electric and antiferromagnetic chiral textures at multiferroic domain walls
Nature Mater. 19, 386 (2020) [pdf]

A. Jouan, G. Singh, E. Lesne, D. C. Vaz, M. Bibes, A. Barthélémy, C. Ulysse, D. Stornaiuolo, M. Salluzzo, S. Hurand, J. Lesueur, C. Feuillet-Palma & N. Bergeal
Quantized conductance in a one-dimensional ballistic oxide nanodevice
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A. Haykal, J. Fischer, W. Akhtar, J. -Y. Chauleau, D. Sando, A. Finco, C. Carretero, N. Jaouen, M. Bibes, M. Viret, S. Fusil, V. Jacques & V. Garcia
A journey into the strain and electric-field tuneable antiferromagnetic spin textures of BiFeO3
Nature Comm. 11, 1704 (2020) [pdf]

M.-A. Husanu, L. Vistoli, C. Verdi, A. Sander, V. Garcia, J. Rault, F. Bisti, L. L. Lev, T. Schmitt, F. Giustino, A. S. Mishchenko, M. Bibes & V. N. Strocov
Electron-polaron dichotomy of charge carriers in perovskite oxides
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Daniel Sando, Mengjiao Han, Vivasha Govinden, Oliver Paull, Florian Appert, Cécile Carrétéro, Johanna Fischer, Agnès Barthélémy, Manuel Bibes, Vincent Garcia, Stéphane Fusil, Brahim Dkhil, Jean Juraszek, Yinlian Zhu, Xiuliang Ma and Valanoor Nagarajan
Interfacial Strain Gradients Control Nanoscale Domain Morphology in Epitaxial BiFeO3 Multiferroic Films
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Julien Bréhin, Felix Trier, Luis M. Vicente-Arche, Pierre Hemme, Paul Noël, Maxen Cosset-Chéneau, Jean-Philippe Attané, Laurent Vila, Anke Sander, Yann Gallais, Alain Sacuto, Brahim Dkhil, Vincent Garcia, Stéphane Fusil, Agnès Barthélémy, Maximilien Cazayous, and Manuel Bibes
Switchable two-dimensional electron gas based on ferroelectric Ca:SrTiO3
Phys. Rev. Mater. 4, 041002(R) (2020) [pdf]

Paul Noël, Felix Trier, Luis M. Vicente Arche, Julien Bréhin, Diogo C. Vaz, Vincent Garcia, Stéphane Fusil, Agnès Barthélémy, Laurent Vila, Manuel Bibes & Jean-Philippe Attané
Non-volatile electric control of spin–charge conversion in a SrTiO3 Rashba system
Nature, 580, 483 (2020) [pdf]

Paul Noël, Maxen Cosset-Cheneau, Victor Haspot, Vincent Maurel, Christian Lombard, Manuel Bibes, Agnès Barthélémy, Laurent Vila & Jean-Philippe Attané
Negligible thermal contributions to the spin pumping signal in ferromagnetic metal–platinum bilayers
J. Appl. Phys. 127, 163907 (2020) [pdf]

Xiaoyan Li, Qiuxiang Zhu, Lorenzo Vistoli, Agnès Barthélémy, Manuel Bibes, Stéphane Fusil, Vincent Garcia and Alexandre Gloter
In‐Depth Atomic Mapping of Polarization Switching in a Ferroelectric Field‐Effect Transistor
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2000601 (2020) [pdf]

D. C. Vaz, F. Trier, A. Dyrdał, A. Johansson, K. Garcia, A. Barthélémy, I. Mertig, J. Barnaś, A. Fert, and M. Bibes
Determining the Rashba parameter from the bilinear magnetoresistance response in a two-dimensional electron gas
Phys. Rev. Mater. 4, 071001(R) (2020) [pdf]

Binbin Chen, Nicolas Gauquelin, Daen Jannis, Daniel M. Cunha, Ufuk Halisdemir, Cinthia Piamonteze, Jin Hong Lee, Jamal Belhadi, Felix Eltes, Stefan Abel, Zoran Jovanović, Matjaž Spreitzer, Jean Fompeyrine, Johan Verbeeck, Manuel Bibes, Mark Huijben, Guus Rijnders and Gertjan Koster
Strain‐Engineered Metal‐to‐Insulator Transition and Orbital Polarization in Nickelate Superlattices Integrated on Silicon
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T. H. Dang, J. Hawecker, E. Rongione, G. B. Flores, D. Q. To, J. C. Rojas-Sanchez, H. Nong, J. Mangeney, J. Tignon, F. Godel, S. Collin, P. Seneor, M. Bibes, A. Fert, M. Anane, J. – M. George, L. Vila, M. Cosset-Cheneau, D. Dolfi, R. Lebrun, P. Bortolotti, K. Belashchenko, S. Dhillon, H. Jaffrès
Ultrafast spin-currents and charge conversion at 3d-5d interfaces probed by time-domain terahertz spectroscopy
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